Saturday, January 3, 2015

Kitchen Adventures: Tortillas and Tacos

Are you feeling the chill today?  I know I certainly am!  We're past the winter solstice, the days are getting longer - but the real winter temperatures just now decided to show up!

We live less than one block from the Lake (Michigan), so when the wind blows off that frigid water, we definitely feel the bite of winter.  In weather like this, nothing warms me up better than some great spicy food - and my favorite Bears blanket, of course!

Today, I'm making a taco bar for me and the hubs.  I don't think I've made tacos yet in this kitchen, so I'm finally going to satisfy that craving!  It's been a while since I've cooked with beef, especially ground beef.  I'm usually making all sorts of chicken and veggies dishes these days.  Luckily, our grocer has an awesome meat and deli department.  All the fixings are only a short walk from my front door!

I discovered how much joy I get out of making bread last year while we were living with Stephen's parents.  There are few things more heart-warming than the smell of yeast and few sights more pleasing than a perfectly browned crust.  But bread-baking doesn't end there!  I've made pitas, tortillas, pull-apart loaves, no-knead Pyrex loaves, and more.

Tacos aren't really possible without tortillas.  I guess I could buy a pack from the store, but a lazy Saturday kind of begs for me to do some from-stratch cooking.  Check out my favorite recipe below!  (Credit to Chris Scheuer from

Homemade Tortillas (Quick Rise Version)

3 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1/3 cup vegetable oil (I used melted vegetable shortening)
1 cup warm water

*Combine the dry ingredients in the bowl of a stand mixer with a dough hook.  If you don't have stand mixer, prepare your arm muscles. :)
*Slowly add oil and water while continuing to mix (medium speed).  Mix for one minute, stopping several times to scrape down the sides of the bowl.  After the mixture comes together to form a ball, decrease speed to low.  Continue mixing for one minute until dough is smooth.  By hand:  Mix with wooden spoon until dough comes together in a ball.  Knead for 3-5 minutes, or until dough is smooth and elastic.
*Transfer dough to a well-floured surface.  Divide dough in half, and then halve again, and so on until you have 16 pieces.  Form each bit into a ball and flatten as much as possible with palms.  If dough is sticky, sprinkle a weensy bit of flour on the balls.
*Cover flattened dough with a tea towel for 15 minutes and let rise.
*After rest period, heat a skillet on medium-high heat.  Roll each piece of dough into a circle 6-7 inches in diameter, making sure to keep the rolling pin and surface floured.  Don't stack the rolled dough on each other or they will get soggy! :( (Tortillas should feel fairly thin, be gentle to avoid tearing!)
*When pan is hot, place one tortilla in the pan for about one minute - watch it carefully!  A few brown spots are ok as it cooks, but if it gets black or starts to burn, your heat is too high.  If it takes longer than a minute for the first side to cook, heat is too low.  Adjust accordingly.
*When bubbles begin to form and edges of tortilla start to firm and cook, flip tortilla over and cook for about 20-30 seconds more.
*Remove from pan, place in a container covered by a towel, or a ziploc bag to maintain temp and softness.

Tortillas can be frozen easily - just separate with parchment/wax paper before freezing in a heavy-duty bag.

I only had three left when I remembered to take a picture....oops!

These homemade tortillas are definitely a favorite - Stephen usually gobbles one (or two!) before I even finish baking the batch!  Start to finish, they take about 35-40 minutes to make - which is just enough time for my sous chef (read: husband) to cut veggies and brown the taco meat!

Stay warm out there, friends!  What comfort foods do you crave in the winter season?  I'm open to new recipes! :)

Nom nom for now,

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